Vocabulary lesson with Sutton Brumley - Part 2
Post date: Feb 3, 2015 9:57:06 PM
23 May 2005
What Sutton Says = What Sutton Means
Dowisin = Dolphin
Wayyo = Whale
Ahpus = Octopus
Osin = Ocean
What = What (Said whenever you say, "Sutton?")
Pesows = The Incredibles
Sh$ts = Shorts (little potty mouth)
Dun dun = All Done
Mommy, Juwee = Mommy, Julie (Always said together if mom doesn't answer RIGHT away)
Coaway = Coley
Biya = Briar
Jungie = Gretchen
Bonus Coverage:
Whenever he wants to start a conversation with someone he says, "Sharktayo!" = Shark Tale (His favorite movie)
Sutton calls our white kitchen phone "Papa."
**More to come... stay tuned...