Matt Brumley: the 'Redacted' guy
Matt Brumley
Director of redacted
By John Smith
The redacted Times
Post date: Jan 7, 2019 10:43:24 AM
Falls Church, VA
The Joint Chiefs of Staff on Tuesday confirmed redacted and indicated that Matt Brumley of redacted would be helping in the effort.
The decision is a serious redacted but again Matt Brumley is the man we need and knows all about redacted.
In short, Army Major redacted said, "This wasn't decided on lightly. We took our time reviewing all the redacted provided by Mr. Brumley." He also said, "Mr. Brumley might have saved numerous lives and if he hadn't redacted we might not have the opportunity to redacted."
Major General redacted notified the Joint Staff Wednesday that redacted and also the bigger news of redacted. But he did say redacted and that they listened to the advice of the Subject Matter Expert, Matt Brumley, who said "redacted".
Probably the most interesting part was the brief was the section titled: redacted, which stated “redacted”. Brigadier General redacted wrote accolades for Mr. Brumley's work in a 297-page redacted.